Whats new you ask since last post??
Well lots of new patterns are now for sale in my store
Here are just some of the new Tiny Treasures now listed for sale in the store.
There is lots more so make sure you check them all out n the New section of the store
Thanks for looking
Well lots of new patterns are now for sale in my store
I created a new (secret) way to add stripes to the tear animals and I think they are so cute. Make sure you check the all out, there is more in the store to see.
Here are just some of the new Tiny Treasures now listed for sale in the store.
Looking for some Disney Princess, here are 3 very pretty girls waiting for your scrapbook pages.
Social media has blown up follow me on:
Twitter - tearbears4sale
Instagram - patriciamae2424
Facebook - www.facebook.com/pattyscraftyspot
Facebook - www.facebook.com/paperpiecingsforsale
Facebook - www.facebook.com/tearbearsforsale
Thanks for looking
Please Visit my Online Store At